Case Study – Steam Boiler Installation in Huron OH
Checkout our latest case study – this time upgrading a steam boiler in Huron, OH!
The steam heating system serving this century home had not heated properly for years. The customer called in Geisel for a solution. Our team determined that the old steam boiler was not properly sized.
In addition, the insulation for the steam lines was missing or old and ineffective. All these issues resulted in a boiler that would not keep the house warm and was costing a fortune to operate.
The new Burnham boiler is now properly sized and tuned for optimum comfort and efficiency. The steam lines have all new fiberglass insulation. All the radiators in the house are hot and the system is quiet.
The new steam boiler was installed just in time for the cold Ohio winter.
Have a similar or other home comfort project where you need some assistance? Contact us today to discuss!